Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Superwoman? Well, nah, but I am trying.....

Well, my practice is up and running! I have clients, and equipment, and a bank loan and thanks to my beautiful older sister (, I have a logo, a business name and faith in my ability. I also have still got my passion, and that is amazing given how busy this month has been. I am still working a crazy amount of shifts, whilst visiting women, and squeezing in my mentorship program to boot! I have had birthday parties for my lovely kids, family drama's (but that is hardly surprising in a family the size of mine, really. Once you take my mothers six kids, add three step-siblings, all the partners, and then add your own children, your siblings children, their partners children..... well, you get the idea!) and even a tummy bug!

My ex has announced he is moving to Dunedin (Why? Why? Because he likes to make my life difficult I suppose). My Mum is selling our family home (not that any of us mind, but it is sad, and a hell of a lot of tidying needs doing after a family the size of ours have lived in a home that long), and my eldest daughter has competed in Stage challenge, which anyone who has been involved knows is an amazing experience, but very hard work for the poor kids. And, I restarted my gym membership, in a bid to shake the final five kilos that won't seem to go away.
And now? I am ready to start writing again, I think. With a wee poem, just to dip my toe gently into the water without too much risk of drowning.


She wouldn't be able to leap buildings,
In a single bound.
Noone would ever confuse her with a plane,
She'd be much too thin
Lois Lane probably wouldn't register very high
on her list of priorities
Superwomans life wouldn't be nearly as much fun
As Clark Kent's is.
Superwoman wouldn't wear her undies on the outside:
really, wouldn't that defeat the purpose?
No, superwoman would be too busy,
cooking dinner with one hand, sending an email with the other
and organising her work schedule around school excursions
She would have a sleeping infant at her breast,
while she organised four loads of washing on the line
If she could fly, it wouldn't be to catch falling heroines:
She would have a girl in a ballet suit in one arm
and a boy clutching goggles in the other
Superwoman would use her xray vision to see what her teenage daughter
was really wearing under her raincoat
And her ability to run faster than a speeding train
would just about allow her to keep up with a toddler in the playground
What super power does a woman need, that she doesn't already use?

Superwoman? Well, nah. But I could be.....


denise said...

I love it. What a brilliant take on it, and it flows beautifully :)

dinahmow said...

Welcome to blogging! And congrats on the funny take on super powers.Dead right, of course!
(By the way, I came via Denise.)

Caz said...

Love the blog Trin, look forwards to reading more. Best wishes, Caz (spacehopper)