Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The discourse of becoming parents...

What he said....


Breathe, that's it.

Ssshhhh, It's okay,

just breathe.

I am here.

It's close now,


Hold me,

That's right,
I know, it is hard, but


Squeeze my hand,

let it flow through you,

and into me....

breathe, breathe, ssssshhhhh.

I know, it is a beautiful day.

Yes the world is silent, and calm




Ahhh, that's it, I can see him,

Look, grandma, see him there?

Tell mum what you can see....

oh yes, my love, that is wonderful,

I can see him, he's coming, our son!

breathe, my love, just breathe.

Oh, here he is, oh my god!

You are amazing!

I love you, so much!

What she said....

You did this!

Oh God, I can't do this anymore, make it go away....

Stop, just stop, please....

Why are you making me do this?

This was you idea, you do it!
I am, I'm trying, please, help me.

I can see the sunrise, it is so lovely today...

Oh shut up, would you, I am working here!

Is he there?

Can you see him?

Oh Goddess, this hurrrrts

Ahh, ahhh, oh god, help me,

Oh, here he is, my baby, oh my baby,

Oh, I love you too, so much....

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