Thursday, July 3, 2008


My big sister, Denise tagged me with the following assignment:
1. Write the title to your own memoir using SIX words.
2. Post it on your blog.
3. Link to the person that tagged you.
4. Tag 5 more blogs.

She had a very cool and pretty image to go with her title, but I am not that clever (well, I am clever, but not having an artistic bone in my body, cause she got them all, I have to make do with merely writing!)

so, what would I call my memoir?

"why I never travelled the world"

If you are around and have the time, I tag

Kristina at Red spiral
My very special friend the Jewish midwife


denise said...

Merely writing, ha! :)

Julie said...

Hi there, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and leading me to yours..... Have just enjoyed reading you blog from start to finish. It is great to be able to read about life as a NZ midwife, especially one with kids. Not sure if you noticed on my blog, but I am really hoping to become a midwife myself (one day....). I know that I have a VERY long and hard road ahead of me and it is great to be able to get an insight in to what's to come. Thanks for sharing,looking forward to reading more....X