Sunday, October 21, 2007



I was just sitting here, waiting for you.
But you never came.
So I stayed, waiting, quietly.
Years passed, and still you didn't arrive.
So I watched the world tick by, and I worried for you sometimes.
I wondered, why isn't she looking for me?
I am not that hard to find.
Doesn't she know I am missing from her life?
Is it possible she doesn't understand the importance, of me?

But, you are here now.
you look at me with such wonder, such delight and just a little fear.
I am nothing to be afraid of, honestly.
I have waited for you for what seems like forever.
I am your friend, or at least, I will be, one day.
For now, though, maybe, just for a minute,
Could you hold me?
I am a little hungry, after all this waiting.
Could you offer me sustenance?
I will give back to you a thousand fold the things you offer me, I promise.

I am your daughter, sent by your mothers, to share your wisdom,
and teach you some of mine. In the way of women.
I shall take my fill from you, while I fulfill the empty parts in you.

That is what it is all about, this being a woman.

1 comment:

Dark Daughta said...

That was beautiful. I was looking through my comments this evening and wondered what I'd done with your blog url. I'm glad I found it. Are you still blogging?