Saturday, December 29, 2007

what a year....

Well, it is one day off of the last day of the year. This one has literally whipped past me in a whirl! But what a great year it has been. No really bad things have happened to me or any of mine, and lots of good things have, with engagements, weddings, career changes and all sorts of positive things happening. Professionally, my world has changed more than I would ever have anticipated, and right now, I love my life. I have a great rewarding job, wonderfully supportive colleagues who appreciate me, respect and autonomy up the wazoo. At home, my kids are all happy and healthy, despite the normal road bumps of adolescence, OH and I could not be happier, and are sound for the first time in a long time. I have amazing friends who I love to be around and enough time and money to do stuff with them.

This sounds all very gloaty, but actually, it comes from a place of real gratitude. Two years ago, I was broke, depressed, terrified of failing, on the verge of losing my relationship and my kids and in a bad place in many other ways. This is a message to give hope to those people who are now looking down the barrel of the new year wondering how the hell they are going to survive it. Not only have I survived, I have thrived and my world is a wonderful place to be! Thanks and blessings to the Goddess for holding me to the path that I needed to trudge along to come to this place of happiness. Joy to the people who trudged it with me. Peace and Hope to the people facing such a journey themselves.

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